At Orana park, we looked at a lot of animals but the only animals we could not find which I eventually found is the cheetahs.
I didn't think about my dad taking pictures of them that I shouted 'Look the cheetahs are there!' so everyone came up a hilly part of Orana park and looked for them.
We were moving houses when my dad arrived and got out of the car with a good suit on, and he walked over to mum and said “Hey hun, how are you?”. I was in my room unpacking my stuff, well not really I was looking out my open window watching them together when my little brother came in & said “Hey big sis aren't you meant to be unpacking?” I said “Yeah, I‘m unpacking”. I couldn’t wait, because after we had unpacked our stuff we were going to the pet shop that people say is magic, and that the animals there can talk. We are getting a cat named Shadow, which is a black cat.
I wasnot herebecause Iwas ata giftedthing called Mind plus. It was really fun there as well as it might have been here at school. We love Pavlova here in New Zealand. I am NZ European, and I surprisingly love pavlova... Especially with caramel icing. I like music and dancing, and we are learning Bollywood dance. I like country songs, but I also like other songs as well.